Friday, September 29, 2006

I hate violence, but I hate conservatives more!

"Violence may not be the answer, but sometimes it's good to get it wrong on purpose.

I'm always amazed at the hateful individual who preaches hatred, becomes a victim of hatred, and then bitches about it.

You reap what you sow, junior. No sympathy, and in fact my day just got a little happier."

This comment in reference to a conservative student beaten after receiving a threatening email from a radical gay rights group.


Da said...

hey, at least they didn't do the "redneck drag" on him...

Scipio said...

True. I guess he is lucky he didn't get the "redneck drag". I guess the beating could have been a lot worse, like the "Gang of African-Americans Beating a defenseless truck driver"

Either way, I'm sure DKos will say he had it coming, right James?