Thursday, October 12, 2006
"When lives are at stake, agencies violate privacy."
"People who care will make mistakes. People who don't care will make mistakes. When lives are at stake, agencies violate privacy."
This was a comment from a Kossack who helped expose a bloggers identity to the world. Apparently, her logic is that because someone was in danger, it was justifiable to invade their privacy. Interesting...I wonder how she feels about the NSA call logging program.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Kreepy Kossacks stake out member
"Guys, while I appreciate the sentiment for Buffy's well-being and safety, there have been serious violations of privacy -- many of them completely unjustifiable.'s creepy, disturbing, and violates her privacy without her consent or permission. All of this because she wrote a weird and depressed-sounding GBCW diary." -- Markos (founder of Daily Kos)
See more on this here.
Friday, October 06, 2006
DKos promoting Voter Intimidation?
"Put the Christian Right in a state of internal conflict, and it might discourage enough them from voting to make a difference in the election."
Read it here.
DKos says: Republicans not going to heaven
"Republican voters are voting for torture, murder, illegal wars, and now pedophilia and the covering up of pedophilia.
Anyone that votes Republican in the upcoming election simply won't be going to Heaven."
Read it here.
DKos says: Christians want to torture and kill you!
"The Amish show the so-called Christian right the true meaning of Christianity. The Christain right wants bombs, torture, eavesdoping, kids sent to their deaths, civil rights taken away, cuture wars, etc. True Christians, like the Amish, turn the other cheek."
This comment was uprated at least 4 times on DKos.
Christian charities
Thursday, October 05, 2006
DKos says: only assholes buy American, buy Volvo instead
"But I told her, "PLEASE don't get a Hummer. You're such a nice person, and only assholes drive Hummers. Look at the Volvo XC90 instead."
read it here.
Remember this, GM union workers, the next time a snobby elitist liberal asks for your support.
"Jesus, You People Are Such Quitters!"
Democratic Organizer Quits After Calling Allen 'Macacawitz'
Sounds like a member of DKos.
The liberals really seem to enjoy pointing out the Jew in a crowd. I wonder why that is.
Read story here.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Liberals embrace Schadenfeude
"It just feels so damn good to see those evil bastards scrabbling around, eating their young, eyeing each other suspiciously, showing their true, putrid colors and falling, excrudescently to the pavement and bursting like writhing pus-pockets of worms.
Now if you can't gloat over something like that, what can you gloat over?"
Of course, the liberals love this Foley scandal. It gives them yet another story to rant about instead of explaining what their plan is for the country. The 'T' key on their keyboard is worn out from typing 'torture' over and over again. Now, they're working on the 'F' key. In the meantime, they still have not announced a clear plan for the country when/if they take back control.
By the way, the New Direction was not a plan. It was a wish list."Knowing When to CUT and RUN, Be a Live Donkey or a Dead Lion"
"We should know when to cut and run too. Leaving Iraq won't be easy. There are some hard choices to be made. The act of leaving will also cost us lives."
See here for further discussion on weak liberals.
"Reminder: We're now under totalitarian rule."
Create Jobs First, Then Lower Taxes, Duh!
"Why is "reduce taxes" ahead of "create jobs"? This guy has his priorities screwed up, whether they be for his constituents or his personal life."
Responding to this statement: "I never wavered from my commitment to reduce taxes, create jobs and bring home our fair share"
Will liberals ever learn economics?
Come to the Dark Side, Wary Conservatives
Any Republican disgusted by their current leadership will be welcome to join the Democrats. All you have to believe in is truth, justice and the American people.
Not so hard, is it?" That's it? You mean I can still favor low taxes, abhor abortion, embrace capitalism, fight terrorism, favor English as the national language, secure our borders, remain a Christian, favor school choice, favor privatizing Social Security, eliminate the minimum wage, shop at WalMart, drive an SUV, and watch Fox News?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Nothing to see here...Just an anti-Semite...No big deal
Congrats to Kos
My wife and I just got back from the 12-week ultrasound, and seeing that everything looks healthy and normal, I think it's safe to announce that yes, we're about six months away from having our second child.
The due date is early April. And while it's been a rough pregnancy thus far (just like the first), it was great seeing our very active 3-inch baby on a monitor."
Another Evil Plan Exposed!
"This article for the first time tied together for me all the disparate elements of the seemingly irrational Bush foreign policy into a comprehensible and comprehensive - albeit evil - plan. "
Dr.Evil to Mr. Bush, "You're not evil. You're semi-evil. You're quasi-evil. You're the margarine of evil. You're the diet coke of evil. Just one calorie-- not evil enough."
The Cowardly Liberal
"I was checking the news about deployment of the U.S.S. Eisenhower strike group today for the Arabian Gulf and read something that has scared the crap out of me. I am literally shaking."
The writer was "literally shaking" after reading that a US naval group is heading to the middle-east.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The Republicans Evil Plan Exposed!
"They'll happily kill, maim, and torture 16 year olds in the pursuit of power.
It's a whole goddam party of war crimes proponents.
And as we saw with the Detainee Treatment Act, we have our own Fifth Column that is willing to embrace virtually any crime in order to retain political power.
What's a little inappropriate sexual conduct among war criminals?"
Straight from Kos himself:
"We wonder how Republicans can keep throwing our nation's men and women in uniform -- so many under the age of 20 -- into the Iraq meatgrinder without feeling something, anything at all. There's a disconnect that I had chalked up to simple elitism. Their kids weren't going to be dragged off that hellhole in the dessert anytime soon, so why should they care? Wars are for the unprivileged and voiceless to fight."
Unprivileged and voiceless, huh? Hm. All this time I thought our soldiers were volunteers. This was an interesting story. He actually attempted to link the Iraq War with Foley's alleged sex scandal.
Ahmadinejad really cares about the environment, an Israel-free environment!
"If nuclear technology is clean and desired in the United States, Canada and other industrialized nations there should be an understanding that Western cultures are not the only nations that have a responsibility to the environment and to their local populations, national security and economic growth. The entire debate over Iran's nuclear energy program has been framed by the leaders of the world as solely a nuclear weapons debate and very little has been made of the constant claims and seeming validations of independent bodies that Iran's nuclear program is for energy use."
"Israel must be wiped off the map" -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
I hate when they do that!
"This particular group is pretty interesting. Much more polished and on point than your typical run of the mill rethug trolls. Seemed really concerned about defending Republican Corporate policies i.e big pharma in nyceve's recent diary "Strip them of THEIR healthcare coverage. It appears that they only attack serious diaries where they can debate the issues and advance their talking points. They are not, willie nillie, spamming the site. Your Wal-Mart titles naturally drew their attention."
DKos member, Bouwerie Boy, on the discovery of this
The secret is out! We have been exposed!
That's one honest Demokrat!
What happened to the good ol' America I used to hate?
"I no longer live in America. At least, not the America I know, the country I love, the ideas for which I stood at the age of 17 and pledged to uphold and defend with the last breath in my body. Somewhere, somehow, the land of the free and home of the brave has disappeared."