"It just feels so damn good to see those evil bastards scrabbling around, eating their young, eyeing each other suspiciously, showing their true, putrid colors and falling, excrudescently to the pavement and bursting like writhing pus-pockets of worms.
Now if you can't gloat over something like that, what can you gloat over?"
Of course, the liberals love this Foley scandal. It gives them yet another story to rant about instead of explaining what their plan is for the country. The 'T' key on their keyboard is worn out from typing 'torture' over and over again. Now, they're working on the 'F' key. In the meantime, they still have not announced a clear plan for the country when/if they take back control.
By the way, the New Direction was not a plan. It was a wish list.
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