"We wonder how Republicans can keep throwing our nation's men and women in uniform -- so many under the age of 20 -- into the Iraq meatgrinder without feeling something, anything at all. There's a disconnect that I had chalked up to simple elitism. Their kids weren't going to be dragged off that hellhole in the dessert anytime soon, so why should they care? Wars are for the unprivileged and voiceless to fight."
Unprivileged and voiceless, huh? Hm. All this time I thought our soldiers were volunteers. This was an interesting story. He actually attempted to link the Iraq War with Foley's alleged sex scandal.
As if linking the Foley case and Iraq would be so far from Bush/Cheney linking Iraq and 9/11... Get real!
Oh, you're so right. Linking a congressman sending dirty messages to a 16 year old boy to war in the middle-east is the equivalent to linking a muslim terrorist organization to a middle-east country. How insightful of you to point that out.
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